At Arizona Associates for Reproductive Health, we offer a comprehensive range of fertility treatment options designed to give infertile couples the best chance possible of achieving a successful pregnancy and introducing a precious new life into the world. The most popular of these options is in vitro fertilization, or IVF.
In 2012, the latest year for which statistics are available, 165,172 IVF procedures were performed throughout the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control. This resulted in the birth of 61,740 babies, or approximately 1.5 percent of all babies born in the country during the year. That is the highest percentage of babies born through IVF procedures in history thus far.
One of the reasons for this is that IVF technology has improved over the years, through the introduction of such procedures as oocyte freezing, single embryo transfer, and preimplantation genetic testing. It has also become more cost-effective. Overall, success rates have steadily risen for women of all ages over the past 25 years.
We are particularly proud of the IVF success rates we have achieved at our Scottsdale practice. While IVF may not be for everyone, and we are careful to screen our candidates and advise them of their chances for success honestly and openly, we also do not turn away complex cases. Unlike some clinics, our success rates compare well to national success rates even though we accept a wide variety of cases, including “difficult” cases that other clinics might not accept.
We invite you to review our IVF success rates and then contact our fertility clinic to schedule your initial consultation with one of our esteemed fertility specialists today.
2012 is the most recent year for which the CDC has published national IVF statistics. This was a banner year for fertility clinics throughout the nation, as more successful pregnancies were achieved through IVF than in any other year in history.
As in the past, the IVF success rates at Arizona Associates for Reproductive Health compared favorably to the national averages. In 2012:
For women under the age of 35:
For women between the ages of 35 and 37:
For women between the ages of 38 and 40:
To learn more about our IVF success rates and how we can help you realize your dreams of having a child through IVF, please contact Arizona Associates for Reproductive Health today.